About Us
The origins or our company’s founding are traced all the way back to the Yale’s library.
It was there in 1999, where our co-founders Mark and Ruby were browsing through the vast amount of business related literature.
Our philisophy

The world of business is harsh and it does not usually forgive any mistakes and missteps to anyone.
That’s why it is so important for business owners, managers and everyone else to constantly excel their managing skills and their overall knowledge scope in their respective field or niche, whichever it may be.
That’s the reason we have so many book categories here, starting with psychology, basic economics and accounting founding principles and all the way to startups theory and practice, negotiating, Human resources management and public speaking skills… You just name it, and we’re sure that we’ve got this specific business related theme available at our store!
Why us?
As we began to lay out the basics of our e-store then, we tried to accumulate all then-existent business literature in one place. But more than that, since those times we also began active negotiating with major and minor publishers and independent self-publishing authors to get the newest books represented exclusively at our online business books store…